R.I.P. Stan Lee
Bevor wir tiefer in das Thema Threatin einsteigen, widmen wir uns echten Superhelden: Marvel-Galionsfigur Stan Lee verstarb am 12. November im Alter von 95 Jahren in Los Angeles. Auch in Musikerkreisen schlug sein Tod große Wellen. Einigen, zum Beispiel Alice Cooper, widmete er einst sogar eigene Comics. Cooper verfasste ebenso wie Gene Simmons und Corey Taylor einen kurzen Social-Media-Nachruf. Rust in peace, Stan Lee.
Scott Ian (Anthrax):
Kirk Hammett (Metallica):
Stan Lee was a visionary and a pioneer. I owe a lot to him for personally shaping my childhood fantasy worlds, my appreciation for art on all levels, & for teaching me humanness and humility through his wonderfully insightful stories. He will be missed. Long Live FOOM ! pic.twitter.com/coMUHWXGKV
— Kirk Hammett (@KirkHammett) 12. November 2018
Corey Taylor (Slipknot):
Thank you for making me believe in heroes.#ripstanlee— Sofa King Awesome (@CoreyTaylorRock) 12. November 2018
Andy Biersack (Black Veil Brides):
Sad to hear about the passing of Stan Lee. Not only was he instrumental in creating some of the most iconic & influential characters in the American literary canon, he seemed to be a genuinely kind, decent & caring person & that above all else is the greatest “super power.” RIP https://t.co/ZnpgvORLRM
— Andy Biersack (@andyblack) 12. November 2018
Gene Simmons (Kiss)
To Stan Lee: Thank you for making my childhood so much more exciting with your astonishing superhero characters. Thank you for inspiring me to think and dream big. Thank you for the Hulk, Thor, Fantastic Four and many others. You will be sadly missed. RIP.
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) 12. November 2018
RIP Stan Lee. #kiss #marvel #comics #stanlee #vale #rip pic.twitter.com/AafSWGXJMB
— EverythingKiss (@KissmasterEK) 12. November 2018
1 Kommentar mit einer Antwort

stan lee, jim davis, francisco ibanez, charles m schulz, bill waterson haben deutlich dazu beigetragen, dass meine kindheit bunt wurde. ich habe angst vor dem tag, an dem auch ibanez und davis gehen müssen
Bill Watterson ♥