
  1. 1. Magna For Annie, Josh, And Robin
  2. 2. Secrets At The Prom
  3. 3. Slaughter Killing Carnage (The Meaning Of Words)
  4. 4. Failure
  5. 5. Curse Words
  6. 6. Close Chorus
  7. 7. Shy
  8. 8. Lights
  9. 9. Passionate Introverts (Dinosaurs)
  10. 10. West Philly Vocoder
  11. 11. Evil, With Evil, Against Evil
  12. 12. The White Witch
  13. 13. Nitetime Rainbows
  14. 14. Canalfish
  15. 15. Loudly
  16. 16. Blood White
  17. 17. Ashes Grammar
  18. 18. Ashes Maths
  19. 19. Miss My Friends
  20. 20. Starting At A Disadvantage
  21. 21. Life's Great
  22. 22. Headphone Space


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