Alle Videos

Have you experienced a Dental Abscess?
Large Parotid Abscess-Incision and Drainage l Dr. Arindam Mandal OMFS l 07044611705
Neck Abscess & Cellulitis (LUDWIGS ANGINA) I 07044611705 #bestmaxillofacialsurgeoninkolkata
Facial Abscess-Incision & DrainageIDr.Arindam MnadalI07044611705I #bestmaxillofacialsurgeoninkolkata
Neck Abscess-Incision and Drainage l 07044611705 #bestmaxillofacialsurgeoninkolkata
Submassteric abscess & use of Corrugated drain l Dr.Arindam Mandal Omfs l 07044611705
Mourners Will Burn (from Through the Cracks of Death) 2002
Steps l 070446 11705 #bestmaxillofacialsurgeoninkolkata
May 28, 2005