
- 1. Prelude
- 2. Overture
- 3. Puck One
- 4. The Court
- 5. The State Of Affairs
- 6. Hermia And Lysander
- 7. The Jealousy Of Helena
- 8. Worker's Playtime
- 9. Oberon And Titania
- 10. The Conspiracy Of Oberon And Puck
- 11. Slumber
- 12. Puck Two
- 13. The Identity Parade
- 14. The Face Of Bottom
- 15. The Spark Of Love
- 16. Tormentress
- 17. Oberon Humbled
- 18. Twisted - Entangled - Transform And Exchange
- 19. The Fairy And The Ass
- 20. Sleep
- 21. Bottom Awakes
- 22. Lovers Arise
- 23. The Play
- 24. The Wedding
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