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Cadillac (fahr weg) (ZDF Disco 03.08.1974) (VOD)
Jutta Weinhold ‎– Feuer Und Eis 1973
I'm tired 1978
Keep on runnin' ( open air fest '78 )
The Man Who Stole the Holy Fire (Zed Yago) - Keep It True XVIII
Velvet Viper "live without you" at Kufa, Hildesheim 2021
Rebel Ladies (Zed Yago) (Live Taunus Metal Festival VI 12.04.2014)
The spell from over yonder (Zed Yago) (Live Metal Assault III 02.02 2013)
Velvet Viper The 4th Quest For Fantasy 1999 full album
Fernsehkonzert 2010, feat. Jutta Weinhold