
LAUT.DE-PORTRÄT Kinky Friedman

In den 70er Jahren mischt Kinky Friedman - the first fullblooded Jew to ever appaer on the Grand Ole Opry Stage - die amerikanische Country & Western-Szene …


  1. 1. People Who Read People Magazine
  2. 2. Marilyn And Joe
  3. 3. The Take-It-Easy Trailer Park
  4. 4. Skatin' On Thin Ice
  5. 5. The Gospel Accordin' To John
  6. 6. Hello, Good Mornin'
  7. 7. Twirl
  8. 8. The Boogie Man
  9. 9. Nashville Casualty And Life
  10. 10. Keep On The Sunnyside

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