"Stimmt, das war ja wirklich mal ein Ding!" Bei diesem Gedanken ertappt man sich bei der Lektüre von "Korn On Track: Every Album, Every Son" (Sonicbond Publishing,‎ 123 Seiten, Taschenbuch, 19 Euro) immer wieder. Wie der Untertitel dieser Buchreihe verspricht, beleuchtet jede Ausgabe jeweils die …

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  • Vor 3 Jahren

    I feel like this could have been something cool, I even pre-ordered this book directly from the UK because I thought it was going to be full of something worth reading. Unfortunately, it is just every song and album typed out with what this book author thought of the song.
    I should have waited until it was available in the states and looked at it in person. Had I flipped through this at the store, I would have saved $20

    • Vor 3 Jahren

      "Unfortunately, it is just every song and album typed out with what this book author thought of the song."

      Talk about misleading titles...!

    • Vor 3 Jahren

      i know a personal background story, once i met jd from korn and he told me that the song "hate me (not)" was originaly meant to get on the album follow the leader but the dj of the band was against that, so they made a remix and put it on follow tha leader (its the one track that finally ended up with the nas feature)

  • Vor 3 Jahren

    another interessting moment, jd told me about, was when i met him backstage: he told me the song "am i going crazy" was a live recording, when her realy thought hes about to "go crazy" why? because he took so much crystal meth, it was sick times - i tried meth only once - never again! worse thant covid

  • Vor 3 Jahren

    Die Schilderung, wie es bei den Aufnahmen zu "Follow the Leader" wie in Sodom und Gomorra zuging, zeigt Parallelen zu den Amigos.