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Zu spät

Jahrzehnte danach erfahren The Winstons nun doch eine späte Würdigung: Zwei britische DJs sammelten über eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne 24.000 Pfund ein, die sie inzwischen dem Sänger der Winstons, Richard Spencer, übergeben haben. Für Drummer Gregory Coleman, der den Amen-Break einst eintrommelte, gilt die Maxime "Besser spät als nie" übrigens nicht. Er hat nichts mehr von dem (immer noch eher symbolischen) Geldsegen: Er starb im September 2006 in Atlanta, völlig verarmt.

Firstly, sorry for the delay in updating this! It has taken some time to tie everything up, and to cut a long story short, transferring the money from the UK to Richard in America caused some big headaches with my bank being a bit awkward! Anyway, for everyone who donated, here is Richard with his huge Gofundme cheque :)People have asked me if the campaign could be opened again, or left open indefinitely. I have spent a lot of time asking (begging!) Gofundme if they would be able to change the gofundme account I set up originally so that the money went directly to Richard, unfortunately they say that this is not possible at all. Maybe something could be setup directly to Richard's paypal or similar, I will look into it with him.As much as I would of loved to of presented him the cheque/money myself, unfortunately at the time it was not possible to get to America due to work and home commitments, hopefully one day it can happen!Once again, thank you to everyone who donated, the whole campaign became more of a success than I could ever imagine!(Click HD when you start watching the video)Posted by The Winstons Amen Breakbeat Gesture on Dienstag, 10. November 2015

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