Frequenzentzug: Rock Antenne verdrängt M94.5
vom 10. Februar 2017
"Kommerz gewinnt gegen Vielfalt", titelt der Radiosender M94.5 auf seiner Internetseite. Die Bestürzung darüber, dass der Münchener Ausbildungssender die UKW-Frequenz entzogen bekommt, ist groß. Ab dem ersten September soll dort anstelle des öffentlich-rechtlichen Senders Rock Antenne laufen, ein …
December 20 - Hal Turner, a white supremacist talk show host from New Jersey, plans his final radio show due to lack of funding, in which he takes calls for three hours straight. However, a combined surprise raid from 4chan, 7chan, YTMND, Something Awful, and Bantown destroyed Hal's show, with 150 prank calls being made in three hours, with almost none of his real listeners being able to call in due to clogged lines. Hal then posts the phone numbers of the callers on his website (some of which were minors), sparking a huge outrage among /b/. Bantown then uncovered his personal information, including his real phone number, after which ~160 calls were made to his house. Hal gave in and removed the phone numbers from his site, but as we all know, Anonymous does not forgive.
December 25 - Hal Turner spends Christmas with his family over at his father's house; news of this spread, and Bantown quickly found his father's number, leading to a massive amount of calls and Hal supposedly being kicked out of the house. After this, Hal claimed that the FBI was investigating 4chan (an Anonymous later called in to Hal's show claiming that he had contacted the FBI and that they had said that no such investigation was taking place) and redirected his website to the FBI page.
December 31 - A happy ending for 2006 after Hal Turner surrenders to 4chan after much raiding and lulz, and announces that he is almost off of the internet completely. He announces, "I am not certain where to go from here. My entire existence - short of my physical presence on this planet - has been utterly wrecked, by people I never met from places I've never been." Anonymous knocks back a cold one and lols heartily.
Ganz toll. Noch ein Sender der die 30 gleichen Lieder Tag ein Tag aus rauf und runterspielt. Bald gibt es nur noch Einheitsbrei ala Bayern3 und Antenne Bayern.
"Kommerz gewinnt gegen Vielfalt", titelt der Radiosender M94.5 auf seiner Internetseite. Die Bestürzung darüber, dass der Münchener Ausbildungssender die UKW-Frequenz entzogen bekommt, ist groß. Ab dem ersten September soll dort anstelle des öffentlich-rechtlichen Senders Rock Antenne laufen, ein …
December 20 - Hal Turner, a white supremacist talk show host from New Jersey, plans his final radio show due to lack of funding, in which he takes calls for three hours straight. However, a combined surprise raid from 4chan, 7chan, YTMND, Something Awful, and Bantown destroyed Hal's show, with 150 prank calls being made in three hours, with almost none of his real listeners being able to call in due to clogged lines. Hal then posts the phone numbers of the callers on his website (some of which were minors), sparking a huge outrage among /b/. Bantown then uncovered his personal information, including his real phone number, after which ~160 calls were made to his house. Hal gave in and removed the phone numbers from his site, but as we all know, Anonymous does not forgive.
December 25 - Hal Turner spends Christmas with his family over at his father's house; news of this spread, and Bantown quickly found his father's number, leading to a massive amount of calls and Hal supposedly being kicked out of the house. After this, Hal claimed that the FBI was investigating 4chan (an Anonymous later called in to Hal's show claiming that he had contacted the FBI and that they had said that no such investigation was taking place) and redirected his website to the FBI page.
December 31 - A happy ending for 2006 after Hal Turner surrenders to 4chan after much raiding and lulz, and announces that he is almost off of the internet completely. He announces, "I am not certain where to go from here. My entire existence - short of my physical presence on this planet - has been utterly wrecked, by people I never met from places I've never been." Anonymous knocks back a cold one and lols heartily.
das war ja nur der anfang
Die ganze Story wollte ich niemandem zumuten.
Hatte gestern auch nur einen kleinen (:o) Nostalgia Ausraster.
Radiosender in Deutschland haben keine musikalische Relevanz.
erkennst du da parallelen? zu dir selbst und diesem forum?
Ganz toll. Noch ein Sender der die 30 gleichen Lieder Tag ein Tag aus rauf und runterspielt. Bald gibt es nur noch Einheitsbrei ala Bayern3 und Antenne Bayern.
Dieser Kommentar wurde vor 8 Jahren durch den Autor entfernt.