Corpsepaint EierMan kann den Spieß natürlich auch umdrehen: Behemoth-Chef Nergal waren gängige Ostereier wohl zu bunt, also verpasste er den seinen schwarz-weißes Corpsepaint. Ohne plumpe Provokation gings auch diesmal nicht ... Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an All righty folks. It was 5 years ago on Spring Equinox that I would got bored on the tour bus somewhere in North America... my creativity bloomed with some insane caricature portraits so go ahead and start throwing names! Plus relax my fellow instagramers... eggs and other Easter attributes u might think r Christian invention in fact have NOTHING to do with it. 90% of imagery, dates, names used by this monotheistic religion were STOLEN from old Pagan traditions and then converted and adjusted to their system. Since religion is an opium for billions of non-thinkers... then sheeps just followed without a shadow of reflection and further questioning. So go ahead, send holiday wishes, eat plenty of eggs and and rejoice!Ein Beitrag geteilt von Adam Nergal Darski (@nergal69) am Apr 19, 2019 um 3:50 PDT
Metalsplitter Black Metal-Barbies und Corpsepaint-Eier Tony Iommis 500 Riffs, 250 Leute covern Metallica, Künstliche Intelligenz vs. Death Metal etc.
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