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Ende gut, alles gut

Sogar Robb Flynn sah nach Edsels feinem Gegenschlag ein, dass er gegen Dope verloren hat und formulierte auf Instagram ein Friedensangebot. Ein paar Spitzen baute er trotzdem wieder ein – etwa: "Ich wusste gar nicht, dass es euch noch gibt".

Allerdings versprach er Dope fortan freien Eintritt zu allen künftigen Machine Head-Shows, lud sie zu "Bier, Wodka, Champagner, was auch immer" ein und hofft, dass Edsel mit ihm gemeinsam "Do Or Die" performt.

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

Hey Edsel,⠀ Saw your response. ⠀ Thanks for the compliments. ⠀ Spotify stats…? Hey, I stand corrected. Apparently there’s a lot of motherfuckers still listening to Dope out there. ⠀ ⠀ Good for you man.⠀ ⠀ Though disturbingly CrazyTown’s “Butterfly” has us both beat, but I digress.⠀ ⠀ Got nothing against Dope at all. Not trying to sound like a douche here, (our bands have not intersected in decades), but I literally didn’t know that you guys were a band anymore. So when your fans started spamming our Facebook / Insta feed about our new song ripping you guys off, I was like huh…?⠀ ⠀ I actually have fond memories of you and I doing enormous amounts of cocaine on my bus in Oklahoma at some radio show back in 1999 and having a wildly coked-out conversation about doing a tour together that never materialized. In fact I just ran into your former(current? now in Misfits) guitar player Acey at the Slipknot show and he invited all of us into the Misfits.⠀ ⠀ I have a pretty dark sense of humor, I was literally laughing hysterically when I wrote the first thing that I wrote. Trolling the trolls if you will. It wasn’t aimed at you or even Dope. The second photo of the girl I thought was just cute, and was my way of saying “hey good one”, or, “ya got me!”.⠀ ⠀ That your band is still on tour and doing well 20 years later is fucking awesome Edsel. As someone who knows the challenges of sticking it out this long in the music business, I’m happy for you. ⠀ ⠀ I’ll take this moment right now to extend the olive branch to you and your band, that any Machine Head show coming up anywhere in the world, that you guys want to come and hang at, you are welcome to. Have some beers, vodka, champagne, whatever (I’ll have to pass on the cocaine) just say the word, and I’ll make it happen. Maybe you could even come up and sing the “Do Or Die” with us. ⠀ ⠀ Totally understand if you want to pass in light of everything, but the offer stands.⠀ ⠀ Peace and love bro⠀ ⠀ Robb

Ein Beitrag geteilt von robbflynn (@robbflynn) am

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