

"I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel." ("Hurt", 1994) Eine Zeile, die der große Johnny Cash siebzigjährig zu seiner Gitarre sang, die aber …



  1. 1. Love Is Not Enough
  2. 2. You Know What You Are?
  3. 3. Terrible Lie
  4. 4. The Line Begins To Blur
  5. 5. March Of The Pigs
  6. 6. Something I Can Never Have
  7. 7. Closer
  8. 8. Burn
  9. 9. Gave Up
  10. 10. Eraser
  11. 11. Right Where It Belongs
  12. 12. Beside You In Time
  13. 13. With Teeth
  14. 14. Wish
  15. 15. Only
  16. 16. the big come down
  17. 17. Hurt
  18. 18. The Hand That Feeds
  19. 19. Head Like A Hole
  20. 20. somewhat damaged
  21. 21. Closer
  22. 22. Help Me I Am In Hell
  23. 23. Non-Entity
  24. 24. Only
  25. 25. The Collector
  26. 26. Every Day Is Exactly The Same
  27. 27. The Hand That Feeds
  28. 28. Love Is Not Enough
  29. 29. Only

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