Für einen kurzen Moment ist Joseph Kony im März 2012 in aller Munde. Die Kampagne 'Kony 2012' wird zig Millionen-fach verlinkt, findet auf Computern und Smartphones unserer Welt statt. Die berechtigte Kritik an der Darstellung der Probleme und der dahinter stehenden Organisation lässt nur kurz auf …
I read this never having heard of Yakoto and was quite excited by the comparisons drawn by the reviewer. As good as Nina Simone? High praise. High praise that, after listening to Babyblues, seems to me more like blasphemy. Comparing Yakoto to Nina Simone is like comparing Square One to Wu Tang. Das grenzt an Realitätsverlust. Yakoto has a curious little voice, nasal and whiny, a fusion of mediocre Badu and Winehouse imitations, not remotely comparable to Nina Simone's rare organ. Her lyrics don't have an inkling of Simone's fluency, profundity and subtlety. At best, they are English-as-a-Second-Language knock-offs of Badu's elemental musings. I've never felt quite so mislead by a review.
Dear Joshua. Why are you writing in English? Maybe you think everyone here is able to speak English. Das grenzt an Realitätsverlust. I've never felt quite so mislead by the language of a comment.
@JoshuaDB (« I read this never having heard of Yakoto and was quite excited by the comparisons drawn by the reviewer. As good as Nina Simone? High praise. High praise that, after listening to Babyblues, seems to me more like blasphemy. Comparing Yakoto to Nina Simone is like comparing Square One to Wu Tang. Das grenzt an Realitätsverlust. Yakoto has a curious little voice, nasal and whiny, a fusion of mediocre Badu and Winehouse imitations, not remotely comparable to Nina Simone's rare organ. Her lyrics don't have an inkling of Simone's fluency, profundity and subtlety. At best, they are English-as-a-Second-Language knock-offs of Badu's elemental musings. I've never felt quite so mislead by a review. »):
Für einen kurzen Moment ist Joseph Kony im März 2012 in aller Munde. Die Kampagne 'Kony 2012' wird zig Millionen-fach verlinkt, findet auf Computern und Smartphones unserer Welt statt. Die berechtigte Kritik an der Darstellung der Probleme und der dahinter stehenden Organisation lässt nur kurz auf …
Oh mein Gott, Vergleich mit Erykah Badu?? So gut soll das Ding sein??
Dann muss ich da ja definitiv mal reinhören!! 
Wow die Hörproben hören sich mehr als vielversprechend an - und diese Stimme ist einfach genial. Wird die nächsten tage gekauft!
I read this never having heard of Yakoto and was quite excited by the comparisons drawn by the reviewer. As good as Nina Simone? High praise. High praise that, after listening to Babyblues, seems to me more like blasphemy. Comparing Yakoto to Nina Simone is like comparing Square One to Wu Tang. Das grenzt an Realitätsverlust. Yakoto has a curious little voice, nasal and whiny, a fusion of mediocre Badu and Winehouse imitations, not remotely comparable to Nina Simone's rare organ. Her lyrics don't have an inkling of Simone's fluency, profundity and subtlety. At best, they are English-as-a-Second-Language knock-offs of Badu's elemental musings. I've never felt quite so mislead by a review.
Dear Joshua. Why are you writing in English? Maybe you think everyone here is able to speak English. Das grenzt an Realitätsverlust. I've never felt quite so mislead by the language of a comment.
@JoshuaDB (« I read this never having heard of Yakoto and was quite excited by the comparisons drawn by the reviewer. As good as Nina Simone? High praise. High praise that, after listening to Babyblues, seems to me more like blasphemy. Comparing Yakoto to Nina Simone is like comparing Square One to Wu Tang. Das grenzt an Realitätsverlust. Yakoto has a curious little voice, nasal and whiny, a fusion of mediocre Badu and Winehouse imitations, not remotely comparable to Nina Simone's rare organ. Her lyrics don't have an inkling of Simone's fluency, profundity and subtlety. At best, they are English-as-a-Second-Language knock-offs of Badu's elemental musings. I've never felt quite so mislead by a review. »):
Ach halts Maul du Wichtigtuer
Wenn die Dame sich mal hier blicken lassen würde, jederzeit.
uiuiui, seit Juli kein Kommentar, gebt euch bös, die Dame kann alles und noch mehr!