Wie die BBC berichtet, wurde Alistair McErlaine bereits am Donnerstag in ein Londoner Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Nach einer Hirnblutung schwebt der Texas-Gitarrist in Lebensgefahr. Der 41-Jährige war vor dem Aneurysma bei bester Gesundheit und zeigte keinerlei Auffälligkeiten.
Stimmt, aber im Regelfall mit 70+ Jahren. Daher darf man schon mal schockiert sein wegen solch einer Meldung. Aber ich sehs positiv und hoffe das er durchkommt.
@Frusciantey (« @Catch Thirtythree (« menschen sterben halt. »):
Stimmt, aber im Regelfall mit 70+ Jahren. Daher darf man schon mal schockiert sein wegen solch einer Meldung. Aber ich sehs positiv und hoffe das er durchkommt. »):
Mein Onkel hat es mit derselben Geschichte mit Mitte 40 nicht geschafft
@Frusciantey (« @Catch Thirtythree (« menschen sterben halt. »):
Stimmt, aber im Regelfall mit 70+ Jahren. Daher darf man schon mal schockiert sein wegen solch einer Meldung. Aber ich sehs positiv und hoffe das er durchkommt. »):
Exclusive: Texas star wins fight for life after brain operation Oct 11 2009 Stephen Stewart
TEXAS guitarist Alistair McErlaine has been moved out of intensive care after a life-threatening brain haemorrhage. Friends and family who have kept a vigil by his bedside yesterday revealed the 40-year-old musician has made a vital breakthrough. He was critically ill in hospital after an operation to remove pressure from his brain. Alistair spent almost a month in the intensive care unit of a London hospital following his collapse on September 10. Bandmates, including singer Sharleen Spiteri, have been praying for his survival along with his wife Shelly Poole, 37, of the '90s pop group Alisha's Attic. The talented musician and photographer was due to start a recording session with his new project, Red Sky July, before his sudden illness. Relatives were shocked by his rapid deterioration in September and said he had appeared in good health and displayed no symptoms. Texas manager Rab Andrew said friends and family were delighted by his progress. He said: "On Wednesday, Alistair made a great breakthrough and was taken out of intensive care. "He has now got rid of any viruses that may have been lurking and is thankfully off his life-support machine. He has a really long way to go but it is just great that he is off the danger list. He has made good progress to get this far. "It will be a long slow process but it is wonderful that he is heading in the right direction. "Alistair will have to relearn everything but he's a real fighter. "I got a message from his wife and it was the best message I have had since it happened. "She sounded much more upbeat, as she has been through an incredibly tough time. "Shelly has been fantastic under all this pressure. The doctors don't know yet how long the recovery will take but he is alive and that is just the first step." Last month, Sharleen said: "I am thinking of Ally and all his family at this time. Like everyone else, I am desperately hoping Ally will get well and pull through." Fans have posted a string of get well messages on the internet. Dirk, who runs a Belgian-based fans' website, wrote: "We all hope that Ally will recover and we wish Shelly and his family and friends lots of strength." Fan Stuart Ferguson said: "Best wishes to Ally." The Glasgow-born guitarist is one of three founder members to have been with Texas since the band was formed in 1988 »):
Wie die BBC berichtet, wurde Alistair McErlaine bereits am Donnerstag in ein Londoner Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Nach einer Hirnblutung schwebt der Texas-Gitarrist in Lebensgefahr. Der 41-Jährige war vor dem Aneurysma bei bester Gesundheit und zeigte keinerlei Auffälligkeiten.
"Es ist ein Schock!"
Texas-Sängerin …
Stirb nicht vor mir.
... also der ist nun wirklich ein guter
... was ist mit den schotten los ?
... im sommer schon der runrig gitarrenmann, jetzt er
ich will endlich wissen, wie es ihm geht
Die Frontfrau sieht ja schon son bisschen geil aus...
@Fräulein_Immerfaul (« Die Frontfrau sieht ja schon son bisschen geil aus... »):
Lies dir bitte nochmal die Überschrift durch, dann den Inhalt und frag dich ob das was du geschrieben hast wirklich so passend ist.
@Frusciantey (« @Fräulein_Immerfaul (« Die Frontfrau sieht ja schon son bisschen geil aus... »):
Lies dir bitte nochmal die Überschrift durch, dann den Inhalt und frag dich ob das was du geschrieben hast wirklich so passend ist. »):
Von jemandem, der sich Fräulein Immerfaul nennt, kann man doch nun wirklich nicht erwarten, dass sie sich einen Text vollständig durchliest.
Ich hoff auf jeden Fall sehr, dass er durchkommt! *Daumen drück*
heißt es nicht "Summer Son" ?
menschen sterben halt.
@Catch Thirtythree (« menschen sterben halt. »):
Stimmt, aber im Regelfall mit 70+ Jahren. Daher darf man schon mal schockiert sein wegen solch einer Meldung. Aber ich sehs positiv und hoffe das er durchkommt.
@Frusciantey (« @Catch Thirtythree (« menschen sterben halt. »):
Stimmt, aber im Regelfall mit 70+ Jahren. Daher darf man schon mal schockiert sein wegen solch einer Meldung. Aber ich sehs positiv und hoffe das er durchkommt. »):
Mein Onkel hat es mit derselben Geschichte mit Mitte 40 nicht geschafft
@Frusciantey (« @Catch Thirtythree (« menschen sterben halt. »):
Stimmt, aber im Regelfall mit 70+ Jahren. Daher darf man schon mal schockiert sein wegen solch einer Meldung. Aber ich sehs positiv und hoffe das er durchkommt. »):
Es gibt kein Recht aufs Alt-werden.
boah, endlich die erlösende nachricht:
Zitat (« From the Sunday Mail:
Exclusive: Texas star wins fight for life after brain operation
Oct 11 2009
Stephen Stewart
TEXAS guitarist Alistair McErlaine has been moved out of intensive care after a life-threatening brain haemorrhage.
Friends and family who have kept a vigil by his bedside yesterday revealed the 40-year-old musician has made a vital breakthrough.
He was critically ill in hospital after an operation to remove pressure from his brain.
Alistair spent almost a month in the intensive care unit of a London hospital following his collapse on September 10.
Bandmates, including singer Sharleen Spiteri, have been praying for his survival along with his wife Shelly Poole, 37, of the '90s pop group Alisha's Attic.
The talented musician and photographer was due to start a recording session with his new project, Red Sky July, before his sudden illness.
Relatives were shocked by his rapid deterioration in September and said he had appeared in good health and displayed no symptoms.
Texas manager Rab Andrew said friends and family were delighted by his progress.
He said: "On Wednesday, Alistair made a great breakthrough and was taken out of intensive care.
"He has now got rid of any viruses that may have been lurking and is thankfully off his life-support machine. He has a really long way to go but it is just great that he is off the danger list. He has made good progress to get this far.
"It will be a long slow process but it is wonderful that he is heading in the right direction.
"Alistair will have to relearn everything but he's a real fighter.
"I got a message from his wife and it was the best message I have had since it happened.
"She sounded much more upbeat, as she has been through an incredibly tough time.
"Shelly has been fantastic under all this pressure. The doctors don't know yet how long the recovery will take but he is alive and that is just the first step."
Last month, Sharleen said: "I am thinking of Ally and all his family at this time. Like everyone else, I am desperately hoping Ally will get well and pull through."
Fans have posted a string of get well messages on the internet.
Dirk, who runs a Belgian-based fans' website, wrote: "We all hope that Ally will recover and we wish Shelly and his family and friends lots of strength."
Fan Stuart Ferguson said: "Best wishes to Ally."
The Glasgow-born guitarist is one of three founder members to have been with Texas since the band was formed in 1988 »):
ich bin so erleichtert