
  1. 1. 1-2-8
  2. 2. Do Somethin' Crazy
  3. 3. He's Back
  4. 4. Devil's Night Out
  5. 5. Kinder Words
  6. 6. Noise Brigade
  7. 7. The Rascal King
  8. 8. Hell Of A Hat
  9. 9. Holy Smoke
  10. 10. Hope I Never Lose My Wallet
  11. 11. I'll Drink To That
  12. 12. Royal Oil
  13. 13. Cowboy Coffee
  14. 14. Doves And Civilians
  15. 15. Let's Face It
  16. 16. Howwhywuz, Howwhyam
  17. 17. Dr. D
  18. 18. Where'd You Go?
  19. 19. Seven Thirty Seven/Shoe Glue
  20. 20. The Impression That I Get
  21. 21. Someday I Suppose
  22. 22. Lights Out


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