
  1. 1. Baroque Thoughts
  2. 2. Calling This A Life
  3. 3. Words That Mobilise
  4. 4. Savages
  5. 5. Dark Sky
  6. 6. Burn
  7. 7. Amelie's Smile
  8. 8. If It Be Your Will
  9. 9. In Your Father's Eyes
  10. 10. Blue And You
  11. 11. 1000 Stars
  12. 12. The Goodnight Song
  13. 13. Yours Truly (Bonus Track)
  14. 14. Savages
  15. 15. Blue And You


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Titel bei kaufen Webb Sisters – Savages €19,98 €3,00 €22,99


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LAUT.DE-PORTRÄT The Webb Sisters

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