Der 1986er Song "Time" erhält ein neues Gewand - Brian May erteilt seinen Segen, obwohl Queen nicht involviert sind.

Konstanz (mis) - 28 Jahre nach Freddie Mercurys Tod ist eine unveröffentlichte Version des Songs "Time" veröffentlicht worden. Das Remake kommt als lupenreine Power-Ballade und mit neuem Titel daher: "Time Waits For No One". Es beinhaltet ausschließlich Freddies Stimme zum von Mike Moran gespielten Klavier:

Der frühere Queen-Sänger nahm den Song im April 1986 im Londoner Dominion Theater mit mehreren Musikern für das Konzeptalbum des Musicals "Time" auf, das sein Freund Dave Clark konzipierte. Das seinerzeit veröffentlichte Doppelalbum beinhaltete auch seinen Solosong "In My Defence" sowie Songs von Dionne Warwick, Julian Lennon und Cliff Richard. Die Original-Version von "Time" klang so bombastisch, wie man sich eine Queen-Ballade gemeinhin vorstellt:

Auf Instagram beleuchtet Gitarrist Brian May ein wenig die Hintergründe der Entstehung und erteilt der neuen Version seinen Segen - alles andere aus seinem Munde wäre auch kaum nachvollziehbar gewesen. "Time Waits For No One" ist seit Freitag auf sämtlichen Streamingportalen zugänglich und reitet auf der Erfolgswelle des Biopics "Bohemian Rhapsody".

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Many of you will have already seen this ad. This new version of Freddie’s take on the theme song from Dave Clark’s 1986 musical of the same name is getting lots of attention. I see people asking why it wasn’t available until now, but of course it was. The original version is still up there on YouTube, with 3.4 million views ! A lot of people are asking us why this release was done in certain ways, but none of our team had anything to with this remake - so we can’t help you ! It’s not a Queen song, so it doesn’t come under our jurisdiction. It’s obviously not a Freddie-penned song either - he got involved as a favour to his close friend Dave Clark. Being Freddie, he couldn’t (like me, I guess!) half-do it. He plunged in and did a huge production on a rather featureless song, determined to make it into a timeless epic ! Freddie’s production included a big ‘orchestration’, and loads of glorious vocal harmonies, and the original video had him interacting (visually only) with the cast of the musical. None of which you get in this new version, because Dave Clark has, for this release, smartly lifted Freddie’s lead vocal and placed it alone with a new piano track - played by Mike Moran. So you don’t get Freddie’s production, but what you DO get is Freddie’s lead vocal almost naked, and clear as a bell. And WHAT a vocal - what a voice ! Freddie poured so much passion into it you get the impression he could make you weep singing the phone directory !!! I hope this does well, because Dave Clark is a very nice man, and was a great friend to Freddie. One thing is for sure - the world has a fierce appetite for Freddie right now. How happy he would be. One more snippet. In the new video you see Freddie miming to the track on stage at the Dominion Theatre - where TIME was then playing in 1986 - the very same stage that WE WILL ROCK YOU the musical later was to rock, 8 shows a week packed out for 13 years. And the core story of that musical was Ben Elton’s magical narrative that Freddie was the key to kids in the future rediscovering Rock and Roll. Well, it seems to be coming true ! Long Live Freddie !! Bri

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) am



Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler) Queen,  | © (Fotograf: Andreas Koesler)

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"Made in heaven / made in heaven / it was all meant to be", singt Freddie Mercury klagend auf einem Song des posthum veröffentlichten, letzten Queen-Albums …

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