
  1. 1. Penguin Attack
  2. 2. Let's Blame The Lightman
  3. 3. First Rule Is
  4. 4. Sammy
  5. 5. Endless Apocalypse
  6. 6. Billy Bad Ass
  7. 7. Hate Love Songs
  8. 8. Letter From The Scallop Boat
  9. 9. Pre-skool Prostitute
  10. 10. If I Could Be That
  11. 11. In Her Fear
  12. 12. Back To Iraq
  13. 13. I Suck On My Thumb
  14. 14. The Private Pain Of Techno Destructo
  15. 15. Gonna Kill U
  16. 16. Sex Cow
  17. 17. Antarctican Drinking Song
  18. 18. Don't Need A Man


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