- 1. Rockstar Nailbomb!
- 2. Spartacus
- 3. The Circus That Has Brought Us Back To These Nights (Yo Chocola)
- 4. Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles
- 5. The Last March Of The Ents
- 6. F.C.P.S.I.T.S.G.E.P.G.E.P.G.E.P.
- 7. Whacko Jacko Steals The Elephant Man’s Bones
- 8. Reassurance Rests In The Sea
- 9. The Adventures Of Allan Gordon
- 10. I Just Got This Symphony Goin’
- 11. What Sound Does A Mastodon Make?
Shop | Titel | Preis | Porto | Gesamt |
Fall of Troy,the – The Fall of Troy | €9,11 | €3,00 | €12,12 |
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